
Discuss Liberty City Stories

Remember that you can discuss Liberty City Stories with other fans of the game by registering free at our forum. Being the largest Grand Theft Auto community, GTAForums has always been the best place for news and gameplay info. Tips, Tricks and WalkthroughsBy Rob_UKRead tips/tricks/cheats and guides submitted by other people or submit your own. Important Firmware Version InfoBy edisoncarterFor anyone

Talk about LCS!

As the release date draws closer, more details are beginning to emerge and more people are talking about GTA: Liberty City Stories. GTANET offer two methods of chat: You can register FREE at – the largest Grand Theft Auto community on the net – and discuss Liberty City Stories at our dedicated section along with gamers just like yourself. You can also discuss Liberty City Stories LIVE through GTANET

San Andreas Xbox Impressions and Concerns

It was clear during the press campaign leading up to the releases of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas PC and Xbox that the Xbox version was a higher priority for Rockstar. As they said it themselves, there’s an Xbox in every other household while good PCs are few and far between. Why then are we hearing complaints about the quality

Help & Discussion Forums

I’d like to point everyone in the direction of our Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas forums at There is a specific forum for Xbox and PC information and a PC troubleshooting forum has just been opened. There are also forums for gameplay help, general discussion and cheats and tricks where the first San Andreas PC cheats came from and are constantly being found. With over 700 users online at the

GTAGarage Opens

Welcome to GTAGarage (or if you’re reading this from the news hub at GTANet, click here), GTANet’s new site devoted to mods for all the GTA games. While it may look a little empty now, expect to see all sorts of new mods in the future as they’re released, as well as a back catalog of existing mods as they’re submitted.

GTA San Andreas PC Multiplayer Mod

Multiplayer in Grand Theft Auto is something we’ve always hoped for. While there won’t be official multiplayer support in the PC version of GTA San Andreas, a development team has been hard at work preparing for a high-quality internet-based multiplayer modification for the game. San Andreas Multi-Player (aka SA-MP) is currently being developed for the PC version of GTA Vice City and

Looking for YOUR San Andreas PC/Xbox Questions

With just under a month left until the release of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas on the PC and Xbox systems, interest in the game is steadily boiling up. Through various online and print previews, we have learned of all the improvements and changes that will be in place in the PC and Xbox ports. Over the coming month, we

Special Feature: San Andreas State Map

For the last two weeks an outstanding member of our forums, Pine, has been working hard on developing a map of San Andreas for our site. This map is made completely out of Flash, and shows you the locations for oysters, spray tags, horseshoes and photo ops for the whole state. These are things you will need to achieve 100% completion in the

Supply Lines

If you’ve reached San Fierro yet, you’ll have no doubt come across Zero’s mission “Supply Lines” (or, maybe not if you’re still having trouble with “Air Raid”). It is, without a doubt, one of the toughest missions in the game. The Untouchable has written a fantastic guide to passing this mission, one that will surely be of help to you if you’re

Forums Overview: Useful Topics

Here’s a few useful topics that have emerged from our San Andreas forums on My San Andreas Gameplay Videos If you are not in possession of the PS2 version of the game, or are waiting for the PC version, cpmusick85 has put up a great selection of high-quality DiVX gameplay videos. He’s done over around 50 videos already, and I highly recommend them. Export