Exclusive Content for PS3 too?

Earlier this year Microsoft announced a “strategic alliance” between themselves and Rockstar, which would bring exclusive downloadable episodic content to the Xbox360TM version of GTAIV. However, EuroGamer are now claiming that – according to a source close to Rockstar – the team are working on exclusive supplemental content for both systems, which will be made available for download via Microsoft and Sony’s respective

GTAIV to use RAGE?

According to an article on MTV, Grand Theft Auto IV will use the RAGE graphics engine – the same engine which was used in “Rockstar Games Presents TableTennis.” “[In a recent interview about Table Tennis, a new game from Rockstar,] the Rockstar reps explained that the game was running on RAGE, the Rockstar Advanced Game Engine. This is the graphics

E3 From the Inside!

Wish you could be on the show floor of E3, snooping around for bits of info about GTA4, GTALCSPS2, Bully, or Table Tennis? Did your plans to sneak in with a Photoshopped press-pass and/or ninja rope fail? Well, after you accept the fact that we all can’t get in, perhaps you will take some comfort in knowing that the GTA

Grand Theft Auto IV!

“New York, NY � May 9th, 2006 — Rockstar Games, the universally-renowned publishing label of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. (NASDAQ: TTWO), is proud to announce Grand Theft Auto IV, the next-generation console debut of the genre-defining Grand Theft Auto franchise. Developed by world-class designers Rockstar North, Grand Theft Auto IV will be simultaneously available for the PlayStation�3 and Xbox 360�

“GTA: Land Of The Free”

Play Magazine (UK) have published a four-page article containing rumours, speculation and a fake map plus details of how they believe GTA4 will look. They’ve named it “GTA: Land Of The Free”, which basically consists of ten major US cities, including those featured in previous GTA titles. Ten cities seems a bit far fetched in my opinion, but they do

“GTA4” “Sex Scenes” Follow-Up

Resident modding and programming super-genius Steve M got a hold of the writer at The Inquirer who started the below, would-be controversy. When asked to point out sources to back up the story, the response was as follows: For a corroborating source (or two) seehttp://www.kotaku.com/gaming/gta/new-gta-more-violent-duh-126647.php Also, for the record, I’m a GTA fan… Cheers,Aaron So, judging by the complete lack

“GTA4 to feature sex scenes” = bullsh*t

“A number of “leaked” screenshots for the next GTA game show what appear to be sex scenes in the game.” The Inquirer ” The controversy surrounding the sex scenes in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas rages on, but Rockstar Games is taking a new tack. Instead of the scenes having to be unlocked by a third-party modification, apparently screenshots for

New GTA Stuff in 2k6

Take2’s always-interesting 3rd quarter meeting was today, which could only mean one thing: Vauge info about an upcoming GTA title. Since they give the bare minimum ammount of details needed to keep their stockholders happy, there’s really not much to report. So, I’ll just cut to the chase and paste in bits from the press release which pertain to R*