E3 From the Inside!

Wish you could be on the show floor of E3, snooping around for bits of info about GTA4, GTALCSPS2, Bully, or Table Tennis? Did your plans to sneak in with a Photoshopped press-pass and/or ninja rope fail? Well, after you accept the fact that we all can’t get in, perhaps you will take some comfort in knowing that the GTA community has its own proverbial inside man. Jordan from our partner site Planet Grand Theft Auto is once again at the Expo, providing extensive coverage with a focus on all things Rockstar. For fast-breaking updates, keep an eye on his blog. And check out his image gallery for photos from around the convention (including a few early shots from inside Take Two’s meeting room..) and any screens he may come across. Larger articles, videos, or possible interviews can be found through his E3 index.