“GTA4 to feature sex scenes” = bullsh*t

“A number of “leaked” screenshots for the next GTA game show what appear to be sex scenes in the game.”

The Inquirer

” The controversy surrounding the sex scenes in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas rages on, but Rockstar Games is taking a new tack. Instead of the scenes having to be unlocked by a third-party modification, apparently screenshots for the next GTA game, for the PlayStation 3, show a number of sex scenes.”

Tech Dirt

“A number of “leaked” screenshots for the next GTA game show what appear to be sex scenes in the game.


It’s all lies, ladies and gentlemen. We asked Rockstar about the situation and here is their response:

“The article is inaccurate. I’m not sure where they got that information from, but it is patently false.”

Rockstar Games

And as for this:

“The internet is rife with gossip about what is almost certain to be one of the biggest selling games of all time, after a French magazine claimed to have images from the top secret development.

The Scotsman

This, apparently, is the image they claimed to be GTA4:

This image has been on intraweb fansites for at least a few months now, and it’s quite obviously fake…

…and quite f*cking obviously lacking sex scenes.