
GTAV Online Previews and Screenshots

The new previews for GTAV have started to show up. Find the links below, in addition to our summary and the new screenshots and new artwork. Previews: English: Kotaku CVG (video) CVG EDGE VideoGamer Destructoid USA Today Foreign Language: GamesAktuel (Deutsch) JeuxVideo (France) Meristation (Spain) (Italian) GameKings (NL) You can buy property; houses, garages, businesses and marinas can all be purchased for

New Grand Theft Auto V Screenshot

As part of an update to the screenshot section of the official GTAV website, Rockstar released a new screenshot featuring Trevor. An additional screenshot, that was previously featured in a magazine preview, was also released in digital form. Rockstar also released various downloadable versions of previously released artwork, and noted that the game’s official cover (front of box art) will be released later

Five New GTA V Screenshots

In what could be considered Rockstar’s holiday gift to their hoards of GTA fans, they released five new screenshots in the early hours of Monday morning showcasing more of GTA V. Share your thoughts on these new screenshots over at GTAForums.

New GTAV Screenshots

Hope everyone enjoyed today’s trailer! Here’s a little something extra. Check out these four new screenshots we just received. Click for full resolution versions.

First GTAV Online Previews & New Screenshots

UPDATE 4: IGN will be publishing further content throughout the week, including an interview with Rockstar North studio head and GTA producer Les Benzies. They are also promising more exclusive screenshots. Fingers crossed they are new. We’ll update you when it happens! UPDATE 3: Three additional screenshots have been released. UPDATE 2: Two new additional screenshots have emerged from IGN. UPDATE: IGN’s Preview has been published! Today is the

New Screenshot Discovered In UK Magazine

Thanks to some eagle-eyed members at GTAForums, it seems another screenshot has surfaced online. It features a character riding a jet ski, who has a strikingly similar appearance to that of the character from the ‘Quad Bike’ artwork released last week. Short List, a magazine in the UK, is using the screenshot to promote their competition to give away the recently discovered

New GTAV Screenshots – Business

Rounding out this week’s surge of GTAV screenshots are an additional four new images within a set called “Business“. Rockstar noted that this will be the last screenshots for a while, and will be providing more “in a few weeks or so”.A “grand theft auto” business? Farm related or drug trafficking? Import/Export Business? As these screenshots prominently feature a different

New GTAV Screenshots – Leisure

As promised, Rockstar Games released another set of screenshots today, all featuring leisure activities within Grand Theft Auto V. Looks amazing, right? On the game’s official website, Rockstar have opened up a further three empty slots following today’s screens. Are these planned for release this week, as well? We’ll have to wait and see, so stay tuned! Discuss at GTAForums.