Recent Previews Rundown

A few new previews have surfaced as of late, here’s a quick run-down.

Official Playstation 2 Magazine Netherlands/Belgium has put a San Andreas preview in their latest issue. The highlights..

  • Farm animals such as pigs and cows can be seen in the countryside. (Can you say Carmageddon?)
  • Countryside residents are far more relaxed, often drunk or even half-naked.
  • You can do tricks with the quad bikes too, like wheelies etc.
  • Rockstar has implemented a new ‘filter’ to reflect heat and smog in the city of Los Santos.
  • Another filter, set up for the countryside, gives a much brighter and healther feel.

Related LinksGTA-SanAndreas.

playPlaystation Australia doesn’t seem to have been shown the newest build, with San Fierro intact, however they do shed some light into some of the technology we’ll be seeing.

  • Different weather models for cities. Los Santos has a “bright, gritty feel” with occasional bursts of rain. San Fierro is “foggy”. Las Venturas has “clear air and harsh lights,” and finally the countryside has a “warmer, more natural vibe to it.”
  • Particle effects allow for “plumes of exhaust smoke,” “tyres kicking up dirt,” and smoke from skidding wheels. Also expect sparks flying from bulletshots and all sorts of wind effects.
  • Riding the ATV in the countryside will allow you to shift your weight in different directions with the use of the right stick.

Related LinksGTACentralGTAForums topic.

TotalVideoGames did a short preview of the new Grand Theft Auto, while there was nothing notably impressive, here are a few quotes.

Yes we know it’s a county that encompasses three cities, but until you’ve seen the map we honestly don’t think it’s possible to comprehend just how big the state of San Andreas is until you’ve seen it.
Stood outside of the Pizza shop you’ll notice customers drive up, park (and sometimes crash), enter the Pizza place, order some food, eat it and get on with the rest of their duties.
Players now have direct control over the camera with the right thumbstick (an absolute godsend), whilst you’re given the choice of manual targeting or a thankfully much improved auto-targeting option. Players can use the shoulder buttons to lock-on and select various parts of the opponent’s body, whilst also now having the crucial ability to strafe.

Related LinksTotalVideoGames.comGTAForums topic.

A similar preview was posted at, it would seem that they saw just as much as TotalVideoGames.