
Snap Saturday: Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weeny

Snap Saturday: Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weeny

In GTA Online last week, Rockstar celebrated the Weeny Issi by offering triple rewards and a discount on the little compact you never knew you needed. They also prompted the community to use the #IssiClassic hashtag to spread the word, so we thought we’d hijack it for another rendition of Snap Saturday! Sorry Rockstar! Why the Weeny Issi, you’re asking?

IGN Interview with Rockstar Developers

IGN Interview with Rockstar Developers

We were treated to another interview yesterday in celebration of Red Dead Redemption’s 10 year anniversary, this time courtesy of IGN. They sat down with Rob Nelson and Josh Bass (studio heads of Rockstar North and Rockstar San Diego respectively) as well as designers Ghyan Koehne and Silas Morse. Highlights include talking about the challenges they faced when creating a

GameZone Interview with Rob Wiethoff

GameZone Interview with Rob Wiethoff

Gaming industry editorial website GameZone have today published an interview with the one and only Rob Wiethoff, voice actor and motion capture of John Marston. The lucky editor had a 40 minute call with the frontiersman in celebration of Red Dead Redemption’s 10 year anniversary the other day. In the interview, Rob Wiethoff talks about how different he is from

Snap Saturday: Invasion

Snap Saturday: Invasion

Starting a good couple of weeks ago now, the skies and streets of Los Santos and Blaine County have been experiencing some unprecedented extra-terrestrial activity. After alien shenanigans started making the rounds in the community, Rockstar politely joined the fun and made martian bodysuits free for all; no probing necessary! Here at GTANet, we picked the green one, for the

Chatterbox: GTANet Interview with Vinewood_Motors

Chatterbox: GTANet Interview with Vinewood_Motors

Welcome to the first edition of GTANet’s Chatterbox, our new interview series where hosts uNi, Spider-Vice and Kirsty sit down and get personal with notable people from the GTANet and Rockstar Games community. From the well-loved to the unknown, Chatterbox is all-inclusive. And where better for Chatterbox to begin than with Vinewood_Motors, aka Josh. Community streamer, big time fan of