Get Your Pictures in Red Dead Online! Naturalist Photo Challenge

Red Dead Online has one of the biggest virtual photography communities due to how pretty and extensive it is. From animals, to landscapes, to characters and everything in between, RDR2 and its Online counterpart have pictures of everything everywhere on the Internet, many taken by very talented photographers.

Today, Rockstar has given those photographers a chance to get their impressive images in-game in a future update by launching the Naturalist Photo Challenge!

To celebrate the talented community of photographers, R* are asking every virtual photographer out there to take photographs with new Naturalist content (like clothing and weapons) and photographs of the wildlife that roams around the RDR2 scenery – both wildlife added post-Naturalist Update, and pre-Naturalist Update.

And how do I enter this?!?!

Easy! Interested virtual photographers should take their pictures by using the regular or Advanced Camera in Red Dead Online, and then upload them to Social Club using the main menu. To add your photo to the contest, you can log into the Social Club website and add the #Naturalist hashtag into your image’s tags. Simple!

Rockstar also gives potential participants some tips, such as having a friend help you out, repositioning sedated animals using the Lasso, and many more!

Check out the full conditions and tips on the Rockstar Newswire!