
Firstly, we have added three new guides to the gameplay category. The gang guide covers everything you need to know about gangs – from winning new territory to recruiting a small group of homies. Also check out the clothing and eating guides, which offer various statistics and maps to help you keep-in-shape and lookin’ good. In addition to this, we have [finally] updated our mission walkthrough, although,

New Cheat

Adrenaline Mode X, X, SQUARE, R1, L1, X, DOWN, LEFT, X Slower gameplay and greater strength. Punch harder, send people flying with melee weapons, and shove cars around with your bare hands. Related Link:GTAForums Topic

Teleport Codes

Another selection of GameShark/CB/AR2/ARMax codes from edisoncarter. Enjoy! Teleport Codes Easily teleport from city to city. You end up in front of another restaurant after teleporting, so just get yourself to any restaurant that’s handy and you can make it to the city you want within a few hops. Los Santos via Burgershot (GameShark/CB/AR2 NTSC)20C9D374 4503000020C9D378 C4E1D00020C9D37C 4150000010C9D386 00000000 �

Hidden Interiors

These codes enable you to access interiors such as Wu Zi Mu’s betting store, that you can’t normally access during gameplay. Most of them are only used in cutscenes, during one particular mission, and some weren’t used in the game at all. To access these interiors, select the necessary code, enter the “via” location and you are automatically taken to

San Andreas PC on DVD?

Squiddy over at GTAReactor sent in word that Take2’s site has updated their San Andreas PC pages with proper pics of the box art (rather than the PS2 boxes from before). This in itself is hardly surprising as the PC version isn’t far off. What is interesting, however, is that boxes indicate that it’s a DVD-ROM. The DVD logo is rather obvious

San Andreas: Top Selling Game of 2004

The NPD group has released video game sales numbers for the american market, and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas has come at the top of the list. Despite all the hooplah about how many copies of Halo 2 Microsoft sold, according to the NPD Group, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas sold more, making it the top selling game in 2004. Overall,

Mini-guide Madness

Completed all missions? Stuck on flight school? Interested in hidden features? If so, be sure to grab this month’s issues of PSM2, PSW and OPS2. PSW have a two-page feature on Easter Eggs, Hidden Features, Glitches, in-jokes and other activities that are available, whilst PSM2 describe to us the “35 Things you MUST do” in San Andreas: Headless HomieYou’ll need

San Andreas Cheats Discovery

It seems that edisoncarter’s method of brute forcing button combinations to discover new San Andreas cheat codes has found a lot of publicity. News about him has even reached the distant realms of Slashdot and Joystiq. So far the uncovered cheat codes have included infinite oxygen, gangs control the streets, reduced traffic, fast cars appear regularly and many more. Still to be found are the codes for all cars

ARMax: Jetpack Unlimited Height Code

We thought it was only possible for Gameshark owners, but now, thanks to edisoncarter we have a jetpack unlimited height code for Action Replay (PAL). Jetpack Unlimited Height ARMax PAL:QEV6-PTCF-814EGV8YR-XBTR-XHH34HW3F-ZP82-3YGR0B6BF-0NBM-N5X3T To tell once you have reached the maximum height, push forward and back on your PS2 controller. If they no longer work as they should, you have reached the maximum