San Andreas PC on DVD?

Squiddy over at GTAReactor sent in word that Take2’s site has updated their San Andreas PC pages with proper pics of the box art (rather than the PS2 boxes from before). This in itself is hardly surprising as the PC version isn’t far off. What is interesting, however, is that boxes indicate that it’s a DVD-ROM. The DVD logo is rather obvious on the German version, and not much of a shock given the European market’s tendency to release PC games only on DVD. The North American version on the other hand, has a quite small “dvd rom” bit which might go unnoticed by most, save for the keen eye of Squiddy. While it makes perfect sense to use the format due to the size of the game (and soundtrack, which will surely have an option to stream from the play disk instead of installing), it is quite uncommon for a DVD-only PC release on this side of the pond.

There’s been no offical word on if it will be available on CD as well as of yet, but now may be a good time for anyone who hasn’t bothered with adding a DVD drive to their PC to look into doing so. Even if there is a CD version too, having a single DVD would be a whole lot easier than the 5+ CDs the game could ship on otherwise…