
Snap Saturday: The Killing Moon

Snap Saturday: The Killing Moon

Welcome to Snap Saturday, GTANet’s ode to the virtual photography community who continue to capture some amazingly creative shots across GTA and Red Dead. Halloween is almost here, and nights across the World are getting more and more mysterious as days pass. Some know exactly what’s going on, others not as much… Perhaps a drop of divination from Madam Nazar might

Snap Saturday: Forest Hymn

Snap Saturday: Forest Hymn

Welcome to Snap Saturday, GTANet’s ode to the virtual photography community who continue to capture some amazingly creative shots across GTA and Red Dead. If there’s one thing that Red Dead Redemption 2 has, and even has a song named after them, it’s mountains. Tall, peaky, snowy or rocky, big mounds of rocks popping out of the terrain, where many events

Snap Saturday: The Moon

Snap Saturday: The Moon

Welcome to Snap Saturday, GTANet’s ode to the virtual photography community who continue to capture some amazingly creative shots across GTA and Red Dead. The Moon – one of the celestial bodies that gives light to our nights, the satellite where Neil Armstrong and his crew set foot on in 1969 in the Apollo 11 mission. It has a series of