Classic GTA

Two More Teaser Sites

Rockstar just today added another two teaser sites to their list. We�ve all heard the rumours of the cluckin� bell website, and it has finally arrived at our doorstep along with another site. Here�s a list of the two new You can discuss the release of these two sites on our forums in this topic On an interesting side note. A

San Andreas Delay

According to the take2games website in an article released recently, San Andreas will be moved to a later date. May I remind you that San Andreas was confirmed for release on the 19th in some countries, and the 22nd in the others. Now the US release is on the 26th of October, and the UK on the 29th. The countdown on the right side

First look at Las Venturas

We finally managed to get our first glimpse of Las Venturas, the third and final city in San Andreas. The info comes with the latest issue of EGM, who bagged a 6+ page exclusive preview. Some new details were released: There is a casino called “The V-Rock Casino”, based on the Hard Rock Cafe. Other casinos include: Caligula’s Palace, the

Teaser site URL?

Be sure to keep an eye on There is a business in Los Santos called Cluckin’ Bell, but don’t be getting your hopes up because remember, Rockstar register ‘many different domains for many different reasons.’ Yeah right. 😉

GamePro Australia San Fierro Overload & OPM2 AU

GamePro Australia magazine has a new San Fierro preview with an overload of new information. Our source tells us there are no new screenshots, but here are the highlights: What you can steal and carry from home robberies depends on your physical fitness and strength you’ve accumulated in the gym. When selling stolen goods to the fence, you can negotiate

Two New Voice Actors Confirmed?

When I say confirmed, I mean that IMDb has added two more voice actors to its SanAn info page. First of which is Shaun Ryder playing the roll of Maccer, as reported by UK tabloid “The Mirror” sometime last month. The other is Sarah Sido, who is just listed as being a voice. While they’re generally rather reliable, they have been known

Previews, anyone?

As we get closer to the release of GTA: San Andreas, the unanimous hope is that new information will surface – we still haven’t heard much about San Fierro or Las Venturas. For this, our attention shifts to the newsstands – when magazines cover such huge game releases, their features tend to be quite impressive. Unfortunately, it seems that we