San Andreas Multiplayer Simultaneous Development

Ever since the Multi Theft Auto team brought multiplayer Grand Theft Auto to GTA3 and Vice City, other coders have taken interest in making their own multiplayer modifications. With a few weeks having passed since the release of SanAn on PC, progress has been made in making a multiplayer San Andreas modification. Our own team, San Andreas Multiplayer, has merged with GTA Connection,

Player Skin Selection Modification

AdTec from our forums has made a nifty modification which allows you to play as different character models from the game. The San Andreas player selection mod lets you play as almost all of the storyline characters as well as the girlfriends and gang members. The modification comes with a simple installer and uninstaller and spawns you at CJ’s house in the hood from


After two weeks of wondering how on earth we would get around the new LOD grouping system, binary IPL files, over 16K map objects, and countless other brain-numbing obstacles, we did it. San Andreas has been removed, and we’ve started importing assets for the Myriad Islands community map project! Most of the hard work here was done by Steve M and his

Speedometer Modification Released

Spooky from our forums has released a San Andreas speedometer modification for the PC version, which adds a speedometer into the game. If you somehow don’t know what a speedometer is, it shows your current speed when you are driving in a vehicle. The speedometer can be toggled between miles and kilometres, and you can choose the corner in which it sits.

Play a White CJ

Looks like one of the first player skins for San Andreas PC (if not the first) is one which turns CJ white. The mod can be downloaded at GTA Garage, where it initially caught my attention. Recoil writes: “This mod turns CJ white. Works for all clothes and in cutscenes!” The author seems to be hidden away behind some forums that require

Game Stats Uploader

Our friends at The GTA Place have put together a little uploader for your San Andreas stats similar to the Vice City stats uploader. Chris says: “Remember that horrible stats file that Vice City used to generate, the stats file generated by San Andreas isn’t much better either. What this page does is it generates a nice pretty, colourful page of your San Andreas PC stats file, which you

Multi Theft Auto Shows San Andreas Action

The Multi Theft Auto San Andreas team has shown some progress with their efforts to get a functional multiplayer modification for San Andreas PC out as soon as possible. Earlier this week they showed some screenshots of a race modification they are developing to get the hype going. Now the MTA team writes: “Following Tuesday′s update, the Multi Theft Auto Team has put

Xbox and PC Video Comparison at IGN

street 454 brings to our attention to a video comparison IGN did between the PS2, Xbox and PC versions of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Similarly to my Xbox impressions and concerns news, IGN says the Xbox version doesn’t have the ‘wow’ factor that GTA3 and Vice City had on the Xbox. The video comparison was narrated by the PC and Xbox chief editors at

PS2 GTA: SA Censor Remover

gothi writes: GTA: San Andreas Censor Remover allows you to patch your PS2 GTA save to remove the censor and unlock the removed ‘Hot Coffee’ interactive scene (unlike the first PC patch the girls seems to be wearing only a little clothing rather than their regular clothes) Please make sure to follow the instructions in the readme and enjoy GTA: SA

San Andreas Seeing Japan in Autumn?

IGN is writing that Capcorn, the publisher of the GTA franchise in Japan, has set a release date of Autumn for San Andreas in the Japanese market. IGN believes a simultaneous Xbox/PS2 release is likely.