
Game Informer’s GTAV Preview coming 8th November

Andy McNamara, Editor-in-Chief of Game Informer, has just announced the release schedule for the upcoming Grand Theft Auto V issue via the magazine’s website. The cover will be revealed early US central time on 8th November, and the digital edition is to be released later on the same day. Game Informer have hinted that the story is “huge” with over 18 pages of details

Game Informer to preview GTA V in December issue

Game Informer editor Andy McNamara has just tweeted that he is in New York to see GTA V for the December issue of Game Informer simply stating: “In NYC, about to check out December’s cover game #GTAV“ Rockstar have also posted an image of the tweet on their Newswire, making it official. Game Informer’s December issue will likely be released to

GTA V Multiplayer to feature “Crews”

In a new interview with IGN focused on Max Payne 3, Dan Houser has revealed that GTA V’s multiplayer will support “Crews” that are to be introduced with Max Payne 3 and will be used in future Rockstar titles. Crews are essentially clan-like groups where you are rewarded for playing with other members of your crew and completing objectives together. You will

L.A. Noire: Exclusive Fansite Preview Event

Last weekend, Rockstar Games kindly invited illspirit, Jevon, Andy and I to Los Angeles to experience L.A. Noire first-hand ahead of its release next month. We stayed at the historic Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel (which happens to feature in-game) where we met up with various other fan site operators and contest winners. At previous events hosted by Rockstar, we played together in a single

Screenshot Gallery Updated

We have updated our screenshot gallery with two screenshots that were posted over at IGN. The screenshots featured earlier this month in magazines such as Computerbild-Spiele, Games Master and PSM3. We also managed to get our hands on this artwork, which also featured in the same magazines:

Hands-on GTA IV previews are live!

The latest — and eagerly anticipated — previews have finally landed! As we’ve been saying for a few days now, Kikizo, IGN, CVG, GameSpy, 1UP, Team XBox and Gamespot (amongst others) were all treated to yet another exclusive look at Grand Theft Auto IV. Here’s a delightfully quaint little summary of the new stuff: Each site got to play GTA

Kikizo Update: Previews on Thursday

Earlier this month we revealed that a selection of privileged websites were receiving hands-on demonstrations of GTA IV, and that previews were due to be published some time around the 27th of this month. We now have a confirmed date for those previews, and that is Thursday 28th February, which is two days from now. You can expect previews from Kikizo, GameSpot,

GTA IV Hands-on – Previews coming soon

Kikizo have informed us they will receive a hands-on preview of GTA 4 tomorrow, at Rockstar’s UK headquarters. The coverage, however, won’t be going live until around 27th February, but this date may change. The preview is only available to a selection of privileged websites (Kikizo is one of them) and although we don’t know the exact number of websites involved yet,

New Previews from PSM3 and Games Master

The latest issue of UK magazine PSM3 features a massive twelve-page exclusive preview of Grand Theft Auto IV. The preview contains four new screenshots which have never been seen before, and new character illustrations of Little Jacob and Vlad. It also contains a fullsize version of this screenshot, which was only partially revealed to us last year. Thanks to Buubar (from the forums) for the

GTA IV previews go live! 10 new screenshots released.

It’s been six long months since Take2 announced the delay of Grand Theft Auto IV. The response from the community was a mixture of outrage and apathy with aggravated gamers choosing to either lambaste all companies involved or simply shrug it off and move on. Some dedicated fans stayed strong, however, crossing their fingers in hopes that more in-depth previews would appear