
Community Spotlight: GTA IV Forum Directory

Every phonebooth needs a phonebook. Every archive needs an index. Without directories to keep our information organized, we’d be pretty screwed. After all, how the hell are you going to order pizza when you’re too smashed to go and pick it up yourself? The same can be said for fansite message boards. When you’re too smashed to poke through the

Community Spotlight: GTAIV Factsheet

“USE THE !@#$%ING SEARCH FUNCTION YOU NEWB”, “omg do u not read?”, “lolwtf, lock plz”. The GTAIV community can be a treacherous place – missteps of the uninformed can often prove to be fatal. Those who fail to stay on top of the latest news are often ripped to shreds by the severely tweaked masses. So, to save yourself a potential