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Remember that you can discuss Liberty City Stories with other fans of the game by registering free at our forum. Being the largest Grand Theft Auto community, GTAForums has always been the best place for news and gameplay info. Tips, Tricks and WalkthroughsBy Rob_UKRead tips/tricks/cheats and guides submitted by other people or submit your own. Important Firmware Version InfoBy edisoncarterFor anyone

PEDS: Fan-made Vice movies!

What with the recent events in the Grand Theft Auto scene going a bit, um, under the weather at the moment, it’s nice to kick back once in a while and take a break from that hectic game we call life. If you’re bored and at a loss for things to do, take a gander at PEDS. (Sorry about the run-on sentence.)

John Kerry Elected President of San Andreas

The runner up in the 2004 Presidential Election, John Kerry, has been elected the President of the fictional city San Andreas. The city, featured in the latest instalment of the Grand Theft Auto series, and although fictional has a population of over a million. Kerry, who ran for President, admitted he is addicted to the game and stated he believes