Welcome to Snap Saturday, GTANet’s ode to the virtual photography community who continue to capture some amazingly creative shots across GTA and Red Dead.
Ah, Valentine’s Day. The day of the year where affection is commercialised celebrated, love birds go out for nice meals, buy each other expensive things, and just have a fancier time than usual. This is no different in Los Santos, although with a few extras – solos, couples, threeples, etc. of all genders or neither all went on adventures this last week, and just as announced, we’re delivering on the promise of showcasing what The Lovers in the community have been up to since Valentine’s Day.
This extends to the frontiers of Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Online, of course, after all it’s even named the Heartlands.
We have attraction, love and beauty – from action-filled love-themed events, to the most provocative images and nights out “for your eyes only”, to the wholesome and beyond. Enjoy! 💘

Post your photos on GTAForums or use the #GTAOnline / #RedDeadOnline / #RedDeadRedemption2 hashtags on Twitter and you might see your efforts highlighted in future GTANet Snap Saturdays!