Snap Saturday: The Cats of Red Dead Redemption 2

Welcome to Snap Saturday, GTANet’s ode to the virtual photography community who continue to capture some amazingly creative shots across GTA and Red Dead.

Did you think that after featuring doggos, that we wouldn’t feature all the cute kitties in the world of Red Dead Redemption 2, especially when we have our own cat fans? You’d obviously be wrong!

This week, we’re featuring the fluffy kitties of RDR2, who add life to the world, who make you stop on your tracks to look at them and their activities (they actually scratch their nails on wooden surfaces!), or just jump out of your horse and look at them when they meow because they’re just so cute, no matter where you are. Enjoy, and feel free to try and bring your own to look at this week’s compilation. Yes, try. 😹

Post your photos on GTAForums or use the #GTAOnline / #RedDeadOnline / #RedDeadRedemption2 hashtags on Twitter and you might see your efforts highlighted in future GTANet Snap Saturdays!