Official Site Updates, First Reviews

Rockstar games announced earlier on that some updates have been made to the official Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Xbox and PC sites. The video section of the PC version site has been updated with two video clips. First first one shows a Hunter helicopter flying around the desert and the second shows off the urban area of Los Santos. Both are quite spectacular visually, I recommend having a look at them. Expect our GTA San Andreas videos page to be updated with some of our own in-house video clips too!

Furthermore, the Xbox version site has been udpdated with 4 new screenshots. Here is a selection and the rest can be found at the GTA San Andreas Xbox screenshots page.

Some gaming sites have already written up reviews for the two ports. Gamespot gave the PC version a 9.0, whereas the Xbox got a 9.2IGN decided the XBox was worth a 9.5. For more reviews see the GameRankings PC and Xbox pages.