Magazine Previews & New Map Details

UK magazine Games Master have published a 1-page feature containing new map details, whilst PSW bagged an exclusive preview (No new details, unfortunately), promising new exclusive images in next month’s issue.

We managed to take a quick look at the Ssn Andreas map at the pause menu and, even though we can’t bring you any images yet, what we can tell you is that Los Santos is in the bottom right of the map. Then to the north is a main waterway, which divides the map in half and there’s another, smaller, waterway to the south east. Bearing in mind that Los Santos is as big as Vice City, we have to repeat, this game is MASSIVE.

Games Master (September 2004)

Perhaps these ‘waterways’ are what prevents us from travelling between cities at the beginning of the game? Discuss it on our forum.

..affect your characters weight, actually attracting ‘pie boy’ comments in the street.. We’ll have tons more exclusive
 pics and all-new gameplay details in next months PSW. Thats a promise.

PSW (Issue 58)