
Just wanted to give you lot a little update on how things have been progessing on, our game-specific site for the upcoming GTA San Andreas.

As you may or may not have noticed, our left-side menu has grown steadily over the last few weeks with new content being added frequently. Our missions page has information about missions we know about so far, and their transcripts. The overview page attempts to summarise GTA San Andreas in a short page, and there’s much more to be seen. Don’t be shy to click around and read up on some San Andreas information. Remember, all our content is confirmed information, we don’t post rumours, so what you read here you can believe.

I would also like to introduce two new staff members I’ve recruited over the last week. Meet Leo Teal, formerly working with GTA Area, and Evan, formerly working with GTA Planet. Hopefully both of these fine chaps will enjoy a long road of successful work on the GTA Network!

As always, if you have any comments or suggestions for the site, or you want to get in touch, we are here for you on our forum.