CVG Preview Series and A Few Good Finds

With so much information to digest over the last month or so, a video round up is always handy and often a good reminder of tidbits of information you may have forgotten. The guys over at CVG have been doing exactly that with their weekly GTA 5 o’clock series, and have this week treated us to a lengthy discussion mixed with ample speculation about some key aspects revealed in the previews, including a well-rounded interpretation of just how the graphics might turn out.

It’s important to note that these guys have actually seen the press demo, manned by Rockstar, so it’s always interesting to hear their take on the up-close and personal details about the game and their impressions of what may be to come.

Though likely seen before and not an exclusive list, some interesting tidbits include:

  • Confirmed mini games include yoga, skydiving, scubadiving, golf, tennis, triathlons, bike racing, picking up hitchhikers, basejumping and ATM robberies
  • You won’t drop/lose your gun your character is wielding if you run out of bullets
  • The money earned from heists will be millions of dollars
  • Shipwrecks won’t only contain hidden money, but also useful items
  • Every vehicle is customisable; performance and aesthetics on the level of Midnight Club. Overtuning your car can make it useless and you can customise licence plates
  • Buying into property gives you perks, for example investing in a taxi firm will mean never having to spend money on a cab again
  • Infinitely the most ambitious game seen on current generation consoles
  • Certain purchases need other purchases to unlock; you need to buy a helipad before you can buy a helicopter, and the same can go for marinas

Something interesting also noted is that, after receiving a tip from a viewer, one of the images in the Los Santos photoviewers released in November last year as a pre-order perk is “exactly” if not identical to how the demo shown to the press started out, with Franklin skydiving over the mountains.

On the topic of fun finds, GTAForums member LackedMushroom0 has found this little gem all the way back from the very first trailer. You may have looked at this screen 100s of times, but he appears to be the first to have spotted Michael and Franklin together in the background of this security-guard-pushing-drunk-over scene outside the Tequi La La nightclub. Good eye!