
Xbox Preview @ GameSpot

After a long quiet spell, GameSpot are finally offering some new GTA San Andreas material. The preview itself contains nothing that we didn’t already know, but it was accompanied by 6 brand new screenshots. We saw a significantly greater draw distance in the demo we played, which means the horizon is farther away than in the PS2 version, so you can see a lot

PC PowerPlay Australia Preview

An Australian gaming magazine PcPowerplay has published an 8-page preview of San Andreas PC with all the new screenshots and information we have so far. Since there isn’t any new information and the preview was simply a great read, here are some quotes. Thanks to our mate Fishmaster from GTA Central for making this preview available for the partners network. “I’m not willing to

New Bunch of PC, Xbox Screenshots

Spieleflut, a german gaming magazine, have updated their online galleries with new San Andreas screenshots. Our screenshot galleries have been updated accordingly. Thanks to Jordan for the heads up, and also Basti from our forums. The exclusive IGN Xbox screenshots that went up at the end of last week will be arriving tonight.

Official Site Expanded, PC and Xbox Screens Revealed

We’ve just received word from Rockstar that the official Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas website has been expanded with new PC and Xbox sections. To celebrate the launch, Rockstar has published a whole new bunch of San Andreas PC screenshots and the first ever digital San Andreas Xbox screenshots. They have also sent out a fansite exclusive screenshot. Here are the new PC screenshots, starting with

Preview Assets

Rockstar have sent us the assets from Wednesday’s SA:PC previews. View the rest at our new PC Screenshot Gallery.

Italian Preview Presents New Info & Screenshots

Our italian affiliate site has let us know that the first italian preview of San Andreas PC has made it to the newsstands! The magazine is GMC – Giochi per il mio computer, and the 5-page preview includes 10 screenshots. Most we have seen but there are a few new ones in there too. The article restates (in italian mind you) what

First Xbox Preview

FuriousDevil has just informed us that the first ever San Andreas Xbox preview is out! The preview comes with this month’s edition of the Dutch “Xbox Magazine”, and although no new info is given, it contains 19 exclusive in-game screenshots. Stay tuned for more info as the PC and Xbox releases draw closer. Related Link: GTAForums Topic

First Online PC Screens and Info

GameSpy, IGN, and Lamespot have all just posted early hands-on previews of the PC version of San An. All their screenshots are the same, and they all say pretty much the same thing about the game, but with enough divergence in the info to warrant checking out all three. Gamespy, for instance, says that “mod tools should extend the game’s life” in the