
San Andreas PC System Requirements

It seems that a South African online retailer with a curious resemblance to the name of the publisher of San Andreas has put up system requirements for San Andreas PC. It is not known whether these were provided by a source affiliated with Rockstar Games or the retailer in question, Take2.co.za, pulled the requirements out of the sky. Regardless, the requirements do look

San Andreas PC on DVD?

Squiddy over at GTAReactor sent in word that Take2’s site has updated their San Andreas PC pages with proper pics of the box art (rather than the PS2 boxes from before). This in itself is hardly surprising as the PC version isn’t far off. What is interesting, however, is that boxes indicate that it’s a DVD-ROM. The DVD logo is rather obvious

San Andreas PC Date and Xbox Version Announced!

The PC release date of San Andreas will be at the same time as the Xbox release, which was also announced to be in development today in a press release by Take 2 Games. Both titles will be in North America on June 7th and Europe on June 10th. You heard it here first! ROCKSTAR GAMES ANNOUNCES GRAND THEFT AUTO: SAN ANDREAS FOR