
Discuss Liberty City Stories

Remember that you can discuss Liberty City Stories with other fans of the game by registering free at our forum. Being the largest Grand Theft Auto community, GTAForums has always been the best place for news and gameplay info. Tips, Tricks and WalkthroughsBy Rob_UKRead tips/tricks/cheats and guides submitted by other people or submit your own. Important Firmware Version InfoBy edisoncarterFor anyone

New stuff at IGN

Check out the following FAQ’s written by Rockstar Games to help you progress through Liberty City Stories: Weapons Checklist Vehicles Checklist Unlockables/Hints FAQ Rampages List/FAQ Odd Jobs List/FAQ Radio Station List/FAQ Main Cast List/FAQ Game Manual (PDF .ZIP)

Help & Discussion Forums

I’d like to point everyone in the direction of our Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas forums at GTAForums.com. There is a specific forum for Xbox and PC information and a PC troubleshooting forum has just been opened. There are also forums for gameplay help, general discussion and cheats and tricks where the first San Andreas PC cheats came from and are constantly being found. With over 700 users online at the