State politicians proposing more game regulation

Lawmakers across the country continue to propose legislation that protects youths from the harmful effects of violent games, or that are rated “M” (for Mature content) by the Entertainment Software Ratings Board.

This week, State senator of Arkansas, Shawn Womack, authored a bill that would require shops that rent or sell M-rated games to display them at a height of at least five feet from the floor. The bill, introduced March 3, would allow the Arkansas Department of Public Health to fine vendors up to $500 each time they violate the law.

“These games choreograph violence in a stylized and romanticized way that encourages children and adolescents to associate violence and killing with pleasure, entertainment, feelings of achievement, and personal empowerment”

– The Bill

Checkout the full story at GameSpot.

Thanks to CoplandVictim for the heads up.