Welcome to Snap Saturday, GTANet’s ode to the virtual photography community who continue to capture some amazingly creative shots across GTA and Red Dead.
Over the years, since ever Crews were introduced to the Rockstar Games Social Club as an addition to Max Payne 3’s multiplayer experience in 2012, players have been wanting a way to easily get together and form their own communities. With the release of GTA Online, this was finally possible by using a mixture of those same Max Payne 3-era crews and the openness of GTA Online where you could get people from the same Crew together anywhere in Los Santos.
Needless to say, many many Crews, in and outside of the Social Club, have popped up and made thematic meets since 2013, whether that be vehicle related meets, outfit related meets, heists, Online Creator shenanigans (and amazing scenes!), or just to hang out with whatever outfit and vehicle you have. Perhaps just to (literally) shoot the shit. This week, we look at some cool Crew Meets and snaps that the community have taken of them. Enjoy!

Post your photos on GTAForums or use the #GTAOnline / #RedDeadOnline / #RedDeadRedemption2 hashtags on Twitter and you might see your efforts highlighted in future GTANet Snap Saturdays!