New Trailer Tonight

Tonight’s new trailer (titled “Good lord, what are you doing?” AKA “Everyone’s a rat”) will go online at 10 PM GMT (6 PM EDT) on the official GTA IV website. This will be the final trailer before the game is released next month.

In other news… this month magazines got to preview GTA 4 multiplayer, and now the online press are getting their turn. The UK websites will visit R* HQ on April 3rd to play it, and the articles will be posted [probably] around a week or two after that. From what we understand, all the media folk will be competing against each other, so it’s IGN versus Kikizo versus CVG versus GameSpot versus a bunch of other sites. Who will come out on top?! Erm, find out soon I guess. Thanks to Kikizo for the heads up.

Discuss your expectations for the new trailer here.