Since the release of GTA Online, most of the community had been speculating about a map expansion of some sort. Do not fear, as the map expansion is here! Or, well, at least in the form of a heist. Let’s get to it!
The Heist
In GTA Online’s biggest update to date, players take on a job from Miguel Madrazo to infiltrate and rob the heavily guarded private party island of Cayo Perico. El Rubio, a big-gun drug lord is the owner of the island, and you can, either alone or with friends, take him on and his guards and take the score!
The new content update also adds a new Night Club right under the casino, featuring the latest and greatest in underground music – The Music Locker, which is where you will also find the starting point for the Cayo Perico Heist, and where you will find Miguel Madrazo, who can not get away from his mother’s (Patricia Madrazo) shackles… The lady still has it in her to party all these years later!

For the ravers out there in Los Santos, Cayo Perico is a dream destination – plenty of chicks, drinks (and drugs) and raving, but the Madrazo family doesn’t take lightly to it. Best way to infiltrate it? Fill a private jet with DJ’s and let’s get to it! You’re not going there to rave though, you’re going there to sneak out of the party…

The Cayo Perico Heist includes brand-new choices as to the way you want to perform your duties. You may go stealthily, use blowtorches to cut through steel beams, or you can just call in an airstrike and explode everything in your path. Loot will also vary depending on the amount of players in the heist, and if you’re feeling just a little bit greedy, you may go off the beaten path and search for more loot around El Rubio’s property. Mo’ money, less problems!
The Vehicles
Robberies and a beautiful tropical island off the coast of Colombia aside, players will also be able to access brand new vehicles! We have submarines, go-karts and more! Yes, go-karts!
This thing can be all-yours for free because of the Heist Challenge’s results! Log onto GTA Online this weekend and claim your small but speedy freebie.

The biggest highlight so far for many players has been the new submarine, much like the yacht and the Bombushka airplane, that can serve as a base for your operations. There, you’ll meet Pavel, a former Soviet helmsman, who will be your person of choice to man this beast and let you plan your heisting duties in peace… or non-peace. You choose! I mean, this thing can also store whole helicopters in it for you to bring wherever you’d like!
If you’re not feeling in the mood for heisting yet, the new Kosatka submarine can also sport a Sonar Station so you can find the brand-new Hidden Cache collectibles.
The Music
And now to the other thing that matters in this update… You simply cannot have a new night club and a tropical party island owned by some drug big-shot, without new musical opportunities in Los Santos!

If you’re an absolute music freak like me, I think you’ll like this part of the update as well. For instance, no one other than Joy Orbison has come to Los Santos to try and open up his new pirate radio, Still Slipping, but he’s having some trouble getting it past Mirror Park, where he’s hosting it from. It’s up to you, the player, to find antennas throughout Los Santos, and fix that for him.
New Order, Joy Division, Iggy Pop, Danzig, The Strokes are also artists you can find on the new Kult 99.1 FM, coming straight out of Vespucci Beach into your ears. Hearing New Order again in a GTA game (they had been in GTA Vice City Stories) was extremely refreshing, so I think this is my personal favourite.
If your jam is electronic music, do know that The Music Locker will have cycling resident DJ’s, and the next one is taking over next week, along with new missions so you can help each one settle in Los Santos and be able to make you shake your booty at the club! Expect big names like Moodyman, Palms Trax and Keinemusik.
Flying Lotus and Gilles Peterson have also come back to update their radio stations in Los Santos with new playlists, expect some brand-new stuff on FlyLo FM and Worldwide FM!
The Guns!
Can’t have a new heist without something new for your arsenal, so Ammu-Nation has sourced the latest and greatest in military gear once again.

Check out the Military Rifle available at your local Ammu-Nation, and the Combat Shotgun which is sure to bring your enemies to their knees asking for mercy.
The Rest…
As always, there are many other bonuses to look at in Los Santos, such as a new casino podium vehicle and some discounts to help you on your endeavours, so check those out over on the Rockstar Newswire.
Every content update also brings some fixes and miscellaneous changes other than new additions, so also check out the GTA Online 1.51 patch notes over on Rockstar Support.
Our community has been bustling with hype and the typical databases and knowledge bases have been popping up, so in addition, do check out our GTAForums thread by resident info collector CaliMeatWagon for a full breakdown of the new content, costs, and more!
Be on the look-out for a Snap Highlight featuring Cayo Perico within the next week as the community starts taking shots of their adventures both in the island and in Los Santos. Let’s get those cameras at the ready.