Since the release of the GTA IV trailer last week, some interesting topics have emerged on our forums.
- Some members are attempting to compile a vehicle list based on what was revealed by the trailer. The blue car shown in the second scene has sparked a massive debate over its source of inspiration, and so with people unable to agree on a model, we decided to hold a vote. 20% of voters believe the car is based on an MB SLK 230 Knock-Off, whilst 16% believe it is a VW Golf and 34% believe it is based on an option that was not listed in the poll. The closest model we believe, however, is the MB SL550R, which only 8% agreed with. In some shots, Chrysler 300C-type cars are clearly visible, whilst a Chevrolet Impala is seen in this one. Meanwhile the train – would you believe it – is based on a train. Or so we are led to believe.
- Laying out Liberty City. In this thread, members including myself are attempting to map-out Liberty City based on the position and shadows of the buildings in the trailer. This map was produced by Bret_HartvsSting, and you can read his [rather in-depth] analysis of the map here. The map below, meanwhile was created by myself.
- Jordan from our partner site PlanetGrandTheftAuto has produced an extensive shot-by-shot breakdown of the trailer, which he kindly
spamvertisedposted on our forums. It is being constantly updated with every new piece of info that is found, so if you have any suggestions then be sure to let him know. - Will Liberty City be the only city? The immediate reaction following the release of the trailer was one of disappointment to many fans, who expected two or three or possibly more cities in GTA4, or at the very least a city we have never experienced before. Though personally I believe Liberty City will be the only city in GTA 4 (and I’d be happy with that, considering how drastically different it looks to the Liberty City of old) some fans are refusing to rule out the possiblity of a second city appearing in the game. We held a vote which asked “do you think Liberty City will be the only city in GTA IV?” and the overwhelming majority (76%) believe the answer is No. One member, epoxi, spotted a resemblence between the flyUS ads seen in this shot, and the flybe logo which belongs to a British and European airline. Perhaps this could hint at a European-inspired setting, either in GTA IV or in the next GTA? Some members also noticed a number “10” on the artwork released by Game Informer (which digi mentioned on Friday) which resembles the front door at No. 10 Downing Street – home of the British Prime Minister in London, of course. Clutching at straws, maybe? Who knows.
- Anyone else f*cking glad it’s not London? A lot of people were expecting a London-inspired setting in GTAIV, but it doesn’t look as if they are getting it. According to a poll we posted, 61% (274 people) are glad that the game isn’t set in London, whilst 25% expressed disappointment, and 13% don’t care where it is set. The topic has – as you’d expect – escalated into a Britain vs. America
debatebickering contest.

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