Yesterday we broke the news that the release of GTA IV has been pushed back until around the spring of ’08. The reactions that followed were overwhelmingly broad in terms of tone and severity, but all managed to be (mostly) predictable. The GTAForums thread devoted to discussing the delay (at the time of writing this) has already accumulated in excess of 800 replies and nearly 20,000 views in less than 24 hours.

While it may seem silly to spotlight a thread that is already grabbing the attention of so many, it’s hard to ignore the cries of aggravated gamers. Pounding their desks in frustration, they curse the same company that they had been praising and supporting up until the announcement of the launch delay. Speculation and theories behind the specifics of the delay are in abundance on our forums. While some remain optimistic about the postponed launch, others go as far as accusing Rockstar of stealing Christmas. Ouch.
It’s a garbled mess of finger pointing and tantrum throwing, all directed towards everything and everyone in a futile attempt to pin the blame, holding an individual (or group of individuals) accountable for the sudden realization that GTA IV won’t be in stores in time for the holiday season.
(Oh, yes, and let’s not forget the ever-brooding fanboy warfare between 360 zealots and PS3 legionnaires, blaming inanimate pieces of plastic – and the consumers that purchase them – for the delay.)
Buckle up, kids. It’s gonna be a bumpy ride for the next couple of days.
Community Spotlight: GTA IV Delayed
Community Spotlight is a reoccurring (twice weekly) feature of, highlighting some of the hottest and most interesting topics from the GTAForums Community regarding the upcoming release of GTA IV. Want to nominate a thread for Community Spotlight? Check out the Community Spotlight thread over on GTAForums for details.
** ALSO WORTHY OF NOTE! ** We’ve updated the weapons and setting sections of the site. Enjoy!