Next-Gen Previews Summary!

Find below a quick summary of yesterday’s next-generation previews released by CVG and IGN, along with the accompanying trailer and links where you can see all of the released screenshots.Look out for a PS3 vs PS4 gameplay comparison video, courtesy of IGN, a little later today! Story and structure the same, but whole world re-imagined with refined details and updated

First Person Mode Confirmed With New Previews

Some new previews have just released for the next-generation versions of Grand Theft Auto V. The most scrumptious information to date also confirms that we’ll be receiving first person view across the game for the first time in the series. Summary to follow!CVG – hands on previewIGN – a new perspectiveDiscuss on GTAForums

Exclusive GTAV Content for New-Generation Players

With less than a month to go until we finally get to feast our eyes on the beauty that is new-generation Grand Theft Auto V, today we received a sneak peek of what’s to come with new exclusive content revealed. Rockstar have announced that players returning to the series by buying one of the new versions will have access to exclusive… Vehicles!

GTA Online: Last Team Standing Update

A couple of days ago Rockstar released the latest update for GTA Online with some welcome fixes and updates. This could very well be the last update before next-gen versions launch next month. In summary there are: 2 new cars 2 new motorcycles 2 new weapons 20 new parachute flags 30+ new clothing items 10 new LTS jobs New LTS modes in

Release dates for PC, PS4 and Xbox One

Rockstar has revealed that the Xbox One and PS4 versions of Grand Theft Auto V will arrive on November 18, 2014, while the PC version will arrive on January 27, 2015. More details and new screenshots may be found over at Rockstar Newswire.

Radio Updates For Next-Gen GTAV?

It-girl and Non Stop Pop FM host Cara Delevingne has posted some shots of herself with Lazlow at Rockstar HQ on her Snapmatic [Instagram] page. Cara comments: “Back with @rockstargames to update my GTAV radio station Non Stop Pop FM for new versions coming this Fall!” Rockstar themselves then retweeted her post on their Twitter page giving credence to her

GTA V Coming to PC, PS4 and Xbox One!

Rockstar Games today announced that Grand Theft Auto V will be released on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One this fall. The announcement was made at Sony’s E3 press conference. Check out the trailer: Rockstar noted that players can transfer their GTA Online characters and progression over to the new platforms. The PC version will feature a video editor similar

The High Life Update is now available

Rockstar Games has announced a new free DLC pack is now available for Xbox 360 and PS3! According to the Rockstar Newswire– The High Life update is now available for download for PS3 and Xbox 360. The update allows online players to now purchase a second safehouse effectively doubling your living space but more importantly doubling your online vehicle storage capacity. According

Business is Booming on March 4th…

Rockstar Games has announced a new free DLC pack will be available on March 4th for Xbox 360 and PS3 According to the Rockstar Newswire– The Business Update will include new sports cars including the Albany Alpha, Dinka Jester and Grotti Turismo R and will also include the new the Vestra airplane.In addition there will be new weapons availble including the Heavy Pistol and Special Carbine as