Sorry pardners, you’re probably already aware of all the discounts this week since we’re a day behind in posting, but better late than never eh?
This week the Bounty Hunter role has been treated to some layered bonuses depending on your ranking.
- Capture any Legendary Bounty for 50% extra income and XP
- If you’ve not yet bought into the Bounty Hunter role, do so between 14th-27th July for a $200 cash advance
- Rank up your role level at least once and get a $100 cash bonus
- Level 20 Bounty Hunters will get a treasure map (worth at least 1 gold bar and about $100 cash) and 10 dynamite sticks
For discounts, we’ve got 40% savings on:
- all Bandoliers
- Sniper rifles
- Machetes
- Skirts
- Chaps
- Half-chaps
- and a selection of 12 winter coats including one of my personal faves, the Sheep’s Wool Coat
If you’re not quite impressed, well that’s okay, you can at least appreciate how pretty the Newswire looks. Kudos to the design team on that front!
Until next week, folks.