Screenshot Gallery Updated

We have updated our screenshot gallery with two screenshots that were posted over at IGN. The screenshots featured earlier this month in magazines such as Computerbild-Spiele, Games Master and PSM3. We also managed to get our hands on this artwork, which also featured in the same magazines:

New Previews from PSM3 and Games Master

The latest issue of UK magazine PSM3 features a massive twelve-page exclusive preview of Grand Theft Auto IV. The preview contains four new screenshots which have never been seen before, and new character illustrations of Little Jacob and Vlad. It also contains a fullsize version of this screenshot, which was only partially revealed to us last year. Thanks to Buubar (from the forums) for the

Details of GTA IV Preview in UK PSM3 Emerging

The May issue of PSM3 in the United Kingdom goes on sale in a few days on May 10, although some subscribers are starting to receive their issues. While details of the issue is yet to show up on our forums, one or two high profile UK gaming websites claim to have received their issue and posted information from it. By

PSM3 Review

UK magazine PSM3 have published their review of GTA: Vice City Stories, giving it a final rating of 91/100. Some details from the review worth mentioning: You can fly around the city in a number of different aircraft, including your very own private gyrocopter. Vic can only swim for a limited period of time, and getting back to land can prove