
San Andreas Cheats Discovery

It seems that edisoncarter’s method of brute forcing button combinations to discover new San Andreas cheat codes has found a lot of publicity. News about him has even reached the distant realms of Slashdot and Joystiq. So far the uncovered cheat codes have included infinite oxygen, gangs control the streets, reduced traffic, fast cars appear regularly and many more. Still to be found are the codes for all cars

ARMax: Jetpack Unlimited Height Code

We thought it was only possible for Gameshark owners, but now, thanks to edisoncarter we have a jetpack unlimited height code for Action Replay (PAL). Jetpack Unlimited Height ARMax PAL:QEV6-PTCF-814EGV8YR-XBTR-XHH34HW3F-ZP82-3YGR0B6BF-0NBM-N5X3T To tell once you have reached the maximum height, push forward and back on your PS2 controller. If they no longer work as they should, you have reached the maximum

New Cheats for the Weekend

A few new cheats have seen the daylight today, courtesy of none other than edisoncarter. You can read more at GTA Forums. Funhouse Theme TRIANGLE, TRIANGLE, L1, SQUARE, SQUARE, CIRCLE, SQUARE, DOWN, CIRCLE Hotknifes, baggage handlers, tugs, hotdogs, mr whoopees, pizzaboys, bf injections, caddys, quads, most with hydraulics. Peds are food service workers and clowns. Get goofy outfit. Sandstorm? UP, DOWN,

New Mega Punch Cheat

Here’s another new cheat from our favourite little hacker edisoncarter! He’s also made a video (0.45MB) of the cheat in action. Mega Punch UP, LEFT, X, TRIANGLE, R1, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, L2 Punches send people flying into the next block. One hit kills. Watch out, peds have it too! For the ongoing discussion regarding the new cheat, check the topic at GTA Forums.