
Red Dead Redemption Port Hands-On Preview

Red Dead Redemption Port Hands-On Preview

Over the past week, thanks to Rockstar Games, we’ve been hands-on with the Red Dead Redemption PlayStation 4 conversion developed by UK studio Double Eleven. Here’s some highlights from our experience playing on PS5! To be brief in this introduction; it is exactly what it says on the tin – a port of the RDR everyone knows and loves from

BenQ EL2870U 4K HDR

BenQ EL2870U 4K HDR

Upgrading our setup into the 4K is still out of reach for at lot us, most of our users that go trough that expensive adventure venture into TVs for console gaming or work in a area which allows them to have or need the extra quality. EL2870U, a 4K HDR monitor from BenQ allows you to enjoy the world of 4K content at a