No, an MC cocaine run hasn’t gone badly wrong, the other kind of white stuff has started falling across the map today. Release your inner Elsa and enjoy the snowy conditions until 26th December. It’s forecast to return over New Years’ weekend too, so don’t worry if you’re too busy eating to partake over the next few days.
With snow comes confirmation of the following new stuff to help us enjoy the festivities:
- New Benny’s custom – the Pfister Comet
- New Adversary mode – Juggernaut (with double money and RP until the new year)
- A random special t-shirt and fireworks ammo if you log on 23rd, 24th or 26th December
- Free gifts if you log in on Christmas Day 25th December – including a bucket load of ammo
- 50% more profits on selling special cargo on 24th and 25th December

A bit of Shakin’ Stevens for good measure