Brand New SA-MP Media & Info

We last reported on this project at the start of the year, and today – after testing SA-MP for a second time – I’m delighted to announce that there have been many advances in it’s development since.

  • Firstly, the number of bugs/crashes have been greatly reduced, and the sync is noticably smoother. This afternoon I had two crashes – both of which were caused by Fraps and not the modification itself.
  • When entering a vehicle, you can now determine whether you wish to enter as the driver or as a passenger. Entering as a passenger can be done using G, whereas previously you had no option if there was already a driver inside the vehicle.
  • New game modes have been implemented, some of which enable you to team-up with other users.
  • “Las Vegas Deathmatch” (LVDM) is – believe it or not – a basic deathmatch. You spawn on the escalator at the hotel based on Bally’s. The objective is simply to spawn and kill your opponents.
  • The second mode we tried is called “Cops N’ Gangs”, where you have a choice of playing as either a cop, or a member of the Grove Street gang. There is a drug van parked in Glen Park, and the gang’s objective is to get it [safely] back to Grove Street whereas the cops must try and prevent this.

More detailed updates can be found on the team’s blog, where all of their progress will be recorded over the coming months.

In addition to some screenshots taken from this afternoon’s test, I’ve recorded a short video lasting approximately 4 minutes which shows off some of the most recent developments:

» Download Video (WMV – 29.2MB)

Related Links:SA-MP.comGTAForums